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An ( ξ , d , β ) {\displaystyle (\xi ,d,\beta )} -superprocess, X ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle X(t,dx)} , within mathematics probability theory is a stochastic process on R × R d {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} \times \mathbb {R} ^{d}} that is usually constructed as a special limit of near-critical branching diffusions.

Informally, it can be seen as a branching process where each particle splits and dies at infinite rates, and evolves according to a diffusion equation, and we follow the rescaled population of particles, seen as a measure on R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } .

Scaling limit of a discrete branching process

Simplest setting

Branching Brownian process for N=30

For any integer N 1 {\displaystyle N\geq 1} , consider a branching Brownian process Y N ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle Y^{N}(t,dx)} defined as follows:

The notation Y N ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle Y^{N}(t,dx)} means should be interpreted as: at each time t {\displaystyle t} , the number of particles in a set A R {\displaystyle A\subset \mathbb {R} } is Y N ( t , A ) {\displaystyle Y^{N}(t,A)} . In other words, Y {\displaystyle Y} is a measure-valued random process.[1]

Now, define a renormalized process:

X N ( t , d x ) := 1 N Y N ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle X^{N}(t,dx):={\frac {1}{N}}Y^{N}(t,dx)}

Then the finite-dimensional distributions of X N {\displaystyle X^{N}} converge as N + {\displaystyle N\to +\infty } to those of a measure-valued random process X ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle X(t,dx)} , which is called a ( ξ , ϕ ) {\displaystyle (\xi ,\phi )} -superprocess,[1] with initial value X ( 0 ) = μ {\displaystyle X(0)=\mu } , where ϕ ( z ) := z 2 2 {\displaystyle \phi (z):={\frac {z^{2}}{2}}} and where ξ {\displaystyle \xi } is a Brownian motion (specifically, ξ = ( Ω , F , F t , ξ t , P x ) {\displaystyle \xi =(\Omega ,{\mathcal {F}},{\mathcal {F}}_{t},\xi _{t},{\textbf {P}}_{x})} where ( Ω , F ) {\displaystyle (\Omega ,{\mathcal {F}})} is a measurable space, ( F t ) t 0 {\displaystyle ({\mathcal {F}}_{t})_{t\geq 0}} is a filtration, and ξ t {\displaystyle \xi _{t}} under P x {\displaystyle {\textbf {P}}_{x}} has the law of a Brownian motion started at x {\displaystyle x} ).

As will be clarified in the next section, ϕ {\displaystyle \phi } encodes an underlying branching mechanism, and ξ {\displaystyle \xi } encodes the motion of the particles. Here, since ξ {\displaystyle \xi } is a Brownian motion, the resulting object is known as a Super-brownian motion.[1]

Generalization to (ξ, ϕ)-superprocesses

Our discrete branching system Y N ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle Y^{N}(t,dx)} can be much more sophisticated, leading to a variety of superprocesses:

Add the following requirement that the expected number of offspring is bounded: sup x E E [ n t , x ] < + {\displaystyle \sup \limits _{x\in E}\mathbb {E} [n_{t,x}]<+\infty } Define X N ( t , d x ) := 1 N Y N ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle X^{N}(t,dx):={\frac {1}{N}}Y^{N}(t,dx)} as above, and define the following crucial function: ϕ N ( x , z ) := N γ N [ g N ( x , 1 z N ) ( 1 z N ) ] {\displaystyle \phi _{N}(x,z):=N\gamma _{N}\left[g_{N}{\Big (}x,1-{\frac {z}{N}}{\Big )}\,-\,{\Big (}1-{\frac {z}{N}}{\Big )}\right]} Add the requirement, for all a 0 {\displaystyle a\geq 0} , that ϕ N ( x , z ) {\displaystyle \phi _{N}(x,z)} is Lipschitz continuous with respect to z {\displaystyle z} uniformly on E × [ 0 , a ] {\displaystyle E\times [0,a]} , and that ϕ N {\displaystyle \phi _{N}} converges to some function ϕ {\displaystyle \phi } as N + {\displaystyle N\to +\infty } uniformly on E × [ 0 , a ] {\displaystyle E\times [0,a]} .

Provided all of these conditions, the finite-dimensional distributions of X N ( t ) {\displaystyle X^{N}(t)} converge to those of a measure-valued random process X ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle X(t,dx)} which is called a ( ξ , ϕ ) {\displaystyle (\xi ,\phi )} -superprocess,[1] with initial value X ( 0 ) = μ {\displaystyle X(0)=\mu } .

Commentary on ϕ

Provided lim N + γ N = + {\displaystyle \lim _{N\to +\infty }\gamma _{N}=+\infty } , that is, the number of branching events becomes infinite, the requirement that ϕ N {\displaystyle \phi _{N}} converges implies that, taking a Taylor expansion of g N {\displaystyle g_{N}} , the expected number of offspring is close to 1, and therefore that the process is near-critical.

Generalization to Dawson-Watanabe superprocesses

The branching particle system Y N ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle Y^{N}(t,dx)} can be further generalized as follows:

Then, under suitable hypotheses, the finite-dimensional distributions of X N ( t ) {\displaystyle X^{N}(t)} converge to those of a measure-valued random process X ( t , d x ) {\displaystyle X(t,dx)} which is called a Dawson-Watanabe superprocess,[1] with initial value X ( 0 ) = μ {\displaystyle X(0)=\mu } .


A superprocess has a number of properties. It is a Markov process, and its Markov kernel Q t ( μ , d ν ) {\displaystyle Q_{t}(\mu ,d\nu )} verifies the branching property: Q t ( μ + μ , ) = Q t ( μ , ) Q t ( μ , ) {\displaystyle Q_{t}(\mu +\mu ',\cdot )=Q_{t}(\mu ,\cdot )*Q_{t}(\mu ',\cdot )} where {\displaystyle *} is the convolution.A special class of superprocesses are ( α , d , β ) {\displaystyle (\alpha ,d,\beta )} -superprocesses,[2] with α ( 0 , 2 ] , d N , β ( 0 , 1 ] {\displaystyle \alpha \in (0,2],d\in \mathbb {N} ,\beta \in (0,1]} . A ( α , d , β ) {\displaystyle (\alpha ,d,\beta )} -superprocesses is defined on R d {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{d}} . Its branching mechanism is defined by its factorial moment generating function (the definition of a branching mechanism varies slightly among authors, some[1] use the definition of ϕ {\displaystyle \phi } in the previous section, others[2] use the factorial moment generating function):

Φ ( s ) = 1 1 + β ( 1 s ) 1 + β + s {\displaystyle \Phi (s)={\frac {1}{1+\beta }}(1-s)^{1+\beta }+s}

and the spatial motion of individual particles (noted ξ {\displaystyle \xi } in the previous section) is given by the α {\displaystyle \alpha } -symmetric stable process with infinitesimal generator Δ α {\displaystyle \Delta _{\alpha }} .

The α = 2 {\displaystyle \alpha =2} case means ξ {\displaystyle \xi } is a standard Brownian motion and the ( 2 , d , 1 ) {\displaystyle (2,d,1)} -superprocess is called the super-Brownian motion.

One of the most important properties of superprocesses is that they are intimately connected with certain nonlinear partial differential equations. The simplest such equation is Δ u u 2 = 0   o n   R d . {\displaystyle \Delta u-u^{2}=0\ on\ \mathbb {R} ^{d}.} When the spatial motion (migration) is a diffusion process, one talks about a superdiffusion. The connection between superdiffusions and nonlinear PDE's is similar to the one between diffusions and linear PDE's.

Further resources


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Li, Zenghu (2011), Li, Zenghu (ed.), "Measure-Valued Branching Processes", Measure-Valued Branching Markov Processes, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 29–56, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15004-3_2, ISBN 978-3-642-15004-3, retrieved 2022-12-20
  2. ^ a b Etheridge, Alison (2000). An introduction to superprocesses. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. ISBN 0-8218-2706-5. OCLC 44270365.
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