Man and Superman

Čovjek i nadčovjek (Man and Superman) je komedija irskog dramatičara Georgea Bernarda Shawa, napisana 1903. godine. Sastoji se od četiri čina, a protagonist je John Tanner, društveni teoretičar za koga se želi udati Ann Whitfield. Za Shawa je komedija bila prilika da engleskoj kazališnoj publici svog doba približi ideje Friedericha Nietzschea. Prvi put je izvedena 1905. godine.

Eksterni linkovi

  • Man and Superman, digitalizirana kopija prvog izdanja sa Internet arhive.
  • Pregled, slika i druge informacije Arhivirano 2016-03-03 na Wayback Machine-u
  • Čitajte online na Project Gutenberg
  • "The Revolutionist's Handbook and Pocket Companion", dodatak na Man and Superman (slike stranica)
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Drame čiji je autor George Bernard Shaw
  • Passion Play
  • Un Petit Drame
  • Widowers' Houses
  • The Philanderer
  • Mrs. Warren's Profession
  • Arms and the Man
  • Candida
  • The Man of Destiny
  • You Never Can Tell
  • The Devil's Disciple
  • The Gadfly
  • Caesar and Cleopatra
  • Captain Brassbound's Conversion
  • The Admirable Bashville
  • Man and Superman
  • Don Juan in Hell (III čin drame Man and Superman)
  • John Bull's Other Island
  • How He Lied to Her Husband
  • Major Barbara
  • Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction
  • The Doctor's Dilemma
  • The Interlude at the Playhouse
  • Getting Married
  • The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet
  • Press Cuttings
  • Fascinating Foundling
  • The Glimpse of Reality
  • Misalliance
  • The Dark Lady of the Sonnets
  • Fanny's First Play
  • Androcles and the Lion
  • Overruled
  • Beauty's Duty
  • Pygmalion
  • Great Catherine
  • The Music Cure
  • O'Flaherty V.C.
  • The Inca of Perusalem
  • Augustus Does His Bit
  • Macbeth Skit
  • Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress
  • Heartbreak House
  • Back to Methuselah
  • A Glimpse of the Domesticity of Franklin Barnabas
  • Jitta's Atonement
  • Saint Joan
  • The Apple Cart
  • Too True to Be Good
  • How These Doctors Love One Another!
  • Village Wooing
  • On the Rocks
  • The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles
  • The Six of Calais
  • The Millionairess
  • Arthur and the Acetone
  • Cymbeline Refinished
  • Geneva
  • In Good King Charles's Golden Days
  • The British Party System
  • Buoyant Billions
  • Farfetched Fables
  • Shakes versus Shav
  • Why She Would Not